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110 Crowdfund initiative
Once again we’d like to say a MASSIVE thank for all the supportive messages we have received in recent weeks – WE DO HAVE THE BEST ATTENDEES IN THE WORLD! ❤️
A number of people have been asking if there is anything they can do to help….well today we are excited to launch our first crowdfund initiative to help protect the future of 110! 🎉
A significant amount of money is invested into our little festival each year and there is only one chance to get it back and that’s been cruelly taken away this year (like many events, ticket sales help but other revenue received during the event is needed to get close to breaking even).
We will be going ahead in 2021 but this whole experience has brought home the huge risk that we face into being fully independent and it causes MANY sleepless nights.
We had already spent a lot of money preparing for 2020’s festival and sadly many of these costs are not recoverable.
We would therefore like to use this fund to a.) help the organisers, who have families to provide for, recoup some of the “sunk costs” and b.) to create a “buffer” to protect the future of 110 so we can keep going for years to come!
Take a look at the ways you can help out on our crowdfunder page. Note, we are running an ALL OR NOTHING campaign, so if we don’t hit the target we don’t get anything.
Thank you ❤️
Michael, Andrew, Joe, Sophie, Rob and the rest of team 110 x